Hey warriors! Today’s a special day. One year ago today, Words was launched to be viewed by people like you all over. Since it’s Word’s birthday, I wanted to make a big announcement to celebrate! Let’s dive in.

Celebration Time!

Every birthday and anniversary of anyone or anything is worth celebrating. It shows another year of growth, persistence, and determination. It means that someone’s overcome obstacles, got back up from trials, pressed on, and kept fighting. I see each birthday and anniversary as a victory, and because of that I wanted to celebrate Words’s first birthday in a big but very possible way. Last year I did a giveaway to launch the blog, so I didn’t want to do that this year. Then I thought about the positive energy I get from contests and how fun they are…. So I decided to run one! 

A Contest?

So Words is hosting a bit of a competitionWhat might that contest be, you ask? Well let me tell you! *drum roll please*


(Good job if you noticed the line that only has two periods. 😉😂)

Ok fine, I’ll stop. The contest this summer will be… 


You heard the right! From May 22 to July 21 we will be reading as many books as we can… but not just any books. That would be too easy! We’re choosing them with prompts. Such as “a book with an orange cover” or “a book that features a dog.” I’ll be posting a list of the 40 prompts on the first day of the competition. It’s called Wanderlust Summer, since we’ll be exploring the world through books and stepping outside our comfort zones!


So how will this work? In order to make this is as fun and honest as possible, here are the rules:

  1. Each week I will post a check-in with my own reviews and the stats so far. 
  2. In the comments, you’ll either tell me with books you read and reviewed on your blog that week or you’ll comment a book review. 
  3. Those reviews should tell me:
    • The title of the book
    • Which prompt it was for and why it matches/fits
    • Your rating
    • Your favorite part and your least favorite part of the book. 
  4. If at any point in the contest a review looks like it might have come off the back of the book or you didn’t really read it, I will let you know and ask a bonus question about it, but it’s to be determined what that will be and it will change. 
  5. I’ll keep a tally of books on each check in post so that we can see what it’s looking like, but I won’t include names in my posts
  6. On July 22nd, I will announce who won what prizes and add up the number of total books we’ve read, as well as the number of unique books read! Let’s see how far we can go! 

Wait, did I say prizes? Yes, I did! 


This is a contest where everyone who participates wins something. But the more you read, the better your prize! Here’s what you can win: 

  • 8 books wins four book marks I design that can be downloaded and printed
  • 20 books wins an annotation kit and the bookmarks 
  • 32+ books wins a customized blind date with a book designed by me (with information on trigger warnings and such in mind), a book journal, the annotation kit, and the bookmarks!

As a bonus, if you can read 350 unique books total (my books will be excluded), I will make one post that you specifically request on any word-related topic you think up! But I don’t know… do you think we can get 350 books read in two months? 

Sign-up (and wait there’s more?)

If that contest sounds awesome to you, then please make sure you follow this blog and then you can sign up here. I hope to see you enter! But there’s another twist: if you share this post, you get one “book” right at the start of the contest! If you share this post with 10 people or on two platforms, you get three books marked off. That gives you an advantage right from the start! Besides, getting friends involved is going to help motivate you to do this. The sign ups don’t close until the second week of June, but the quicker you sign up the quicker you can start reading! Again, the prompts will be released on Monday. You’ve got this! I can’t wait to see what we do! (Update: Prompts are now out! You can find them here!)

Will you be participating? If you guys won the post, what post would you want me to do? Why do you like reading? Let me know in the comments!

12 thoughts on “The Stories (May 20th Part 2)

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